On 28 November 2024, researchers from the University of Zaragoza, were given a Quality Innovation Award in the category of ‘innovation with potential’ by the Spanish edition of the Quality Innovation Awards.

Centros de Excelencia staff (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas – CSIC) at the Quality Innovation Award Ceremony
The award was for their work implementing the Hollow Fibre System with the highest capacity in Europe within ERA4TB. The Hollow Fibre System is a pre-clinical model to study how drugs behave in the body. It uses a bioreactor to grow infectious agents and can simulate drug levels similar to those in humans to allow testing of antimicrobials under different conditions at scale. The system allows important information on the pharmacokinetic (PK)–pharmacodynamic (PD) attributes of antimicrobials to be understood.
For more information on the Hollow Fibre System, read this article by the ERA4TB consortium.

Diana Aguilar presents the Hollow Fibre System at the awards Ceremony
A huge congratulations to our colleagues on this fantastic achievement!
Watch the Award Ceremony
You can watch a recording of the awards ceremony online via the YouTube channel of Centros de Excelencia: